
Our Values

Günther is part of a family business with a long tradition. This includes the behavior of an honorable businessman. In addition to quality and reliability for customers and suppliers, this means complying with the law. Today, when laws are complex and difficult to understand, compliance with the law requires more from the company than just pointing out that the law must be followed.

Since the End of 2023, Günther has therefore been expanding its individual compliance measures, which are aimed at compliance with the law, into a compliance management system (CMS). This CMS is based on the relevant compliance standards such as ISO 37301 or IDW PS 980 and supports executives’ bodies and employees in implementing the legal requirements. The revised Code of Conduct will be made available to external business partners here over the course of the year. Inquiries about the CMS can be addressed to:

Günther also cultivates an open (error) culture. Günther therefore gives employees and external business partners the opportunity to point out potential problems, even without a legal obligation to do so. Further details can be found via the following external link, which applies to all companies in the Group to which Günther belongs: Whistleblower system (


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